- Drama and the Breakdown of Language: A Study of some Twentieth Century Plays, Journal of Research (Humanities), University of the Punjab, January 1973 Vol. VIII, No.1.
- Violence in Some Twentieth Century Plays: Journal of Research (Humanities), University of the Punjab, January 1980, Vol. XV, No.1-2.
- William Wordsworth: The Sense of the Extraordinary in the Prelude, The Pakistan Philosophical Journal, Jan-Dec 1988, Vol.XXV Nos.1-2
- William Wordsworth: Human Society and Solitude in the Prelude, Journal of English Studies, Department of English Language and Literature, University of the Punjab, Lahore, April 1990, Vol.I
- Edward Bond's Political Theater: A Study of the Sea, Explorations, Summer 1990, Govt. College, Lahore.
- Three Contemporary Poets: A Study of their use of Language: Explorations, Summer 1991, Govt. College, Lahore.
- Edward Bond's Early Plays and the Problem of Realism, Journal of Research (Humanities) University of the Punjab, Lahore.
- Contributed 6 entries to The Routledge Encyclopedia of Post-Colonial Literature in English, 1994.
- Author entry in The Routledge Encyclopedia of Post-Colonial Literature in English, 1994.
- Author entry in The Oxford Companion to Twentieth Century Poetry Ed. Ian Hamilton, Oxford University Press, UK 1994.
- Introduction to the Poems of Athar Tahir Oxford University Press, Published in Spring 2000.
- Dramatic Form and Political Ideas in the Middle plays of Edward Bond, published in the Jan 2001 issue of the Journal of Research (Humanities), University of the Punjab, Lahore.
- Edward Bond: The Development of a "Rational Theatre" Journal of Research (Humanities), University of the Punjab, January 2001, Vol.XXXV, No.1.
- On the reviewing staff of Word Literature Today, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma, USA.
- Organized and participated in a literary and commemorative programme entitled "A Tribute to Ted Hughes 1998"
- Organized and participated in an Introductory Conference on Post-Colonial Literature held October 1999 in the Department of English, University of the Punjab, Lahore.
- With collaboration of British Council Lahore organized and participated in "Shakespeare Night 2000".
- With collaboration of British Council Lahore organized and participated in "Shakespeare Night 2001".
- With collaboration of British Council Lahore organized and participated in "Shakespeare Night 2002".