Wednesday, September 22, 2010

After 1 month of Internet Difficulty (Disconnection) - After a lot of struggle with a lot of people

One of my friends wanted to share this:

Ahmad Muaz Siddiqui, I, have been having problem with PTCL Broadband internet. Now, the problem is solved, by contacting the concerned authorities countless times.

I went to PTCL offices around five times. With a request to change modem or to check what is the problem . The fact is PTCL and other Government institutions are going down. Some institutions may not go down, because everything is getting computerized, institutions which require registration and issuance of cards like Police cards, Driving Licenses or NADRA ID cards. But services which have a lot of competitors will suffer a lot.

With great services available from Warid-Wateen,Wi-tribe and QB - PTCL Broadband has challengers. Though, PTCL Broadband is on edge because it has unlimited download. You can infact get perfect packages, unlimited internet package on mobile from Zong Rs. 500. which beats other competitors. With a Internet Browser capable mobile phones (GPRS, GSM + Internet Browsers) they beat PTCL Broadband bad.

PTCL, has a pathetic service because the response time is very slow. I, suffered for 1 month of no activity at all. Yet I paid the bill, because there is no way of turning back. Countless complaints to 1218 and countless calls to 1218 - resulted in nothing, infact the only way to function here in Pakistan is by going to:
1. Offices
2. Knowing the names of just about everybody, whether it's Imran, Jawad or whatever it is.

and hope they solve the problem. PTCL is one of the better services as far Government services are concerned because Telecommunication business is booming in the Pakistani market right now. Etisalat, should take notice and be alert to the problems of one of the largest Telecommunication networks in the world. Pakistani market will grow, if they understand that I, Siddiqui matters to them as much as the other suffer and their own local customers in UAE then, surely, they'll be benefited by us.

We pay, that's why, Etisatalat is here. We enjoy using valuable services that's why Etisatalat and PTCL are here.

Ahmed Muaz Siddqui
Customer: PTCL complaint solved, after 1 month
Satisfaction Level: Low
Problem solved by: Going to PTCL offices again and again and NOT by just dialing 1218 (operators were not able to solve the problem, not even to tell what was the problem, the senior technical official operators who were to be forwarded the complaint - was even lazier)

p.s. Hope, you PTCL should take notice. Hopefully, everything gets on it's track. And that, 90 trillion Rupees debt will be resolved tomorrow.

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